The Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress (INC) held in December 1928 was a significant event in the history of India’s struggle for independence from British rule. This session is notable for several reasons, including the adoption of the famous “Purna Swaraj” (Complete Independence) resolution and the launch of the Civil Disobedience Movement.

  1. Background:
    • By the late 1920s, there was growing disillusionment among Indian nationalists with the slow pace of constitutional reforms introduced by the British government. The Simon Commission, appointed in 1927 to review India’s constitutional arrangements, had sparked widespread protests due to its exclusion of Indian members.
    • The Indian National Congress, under the leadership of figures like Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, and Motilal Nehru, had been advocating for more radical measures to achieve independence, including non-cooperation and civil disobedience.
  2. Personalities Involved:
    • Jawaharlal Nehru: A prominent leader within the Indian National Congress, Nehru played a crucial role in shaping the party’s radical stance towards British rule. He was instrumental in drafting the “Purna Swaraj” resolution and articulating the vision of complete independence for India.
    • Mahatma Gandhi: Although not officially part of the Congress leadership at the time, Gandhi’s influence was profound. His philosophy of non-violent resistance and civil disobedience deeply influenced the decisions made at the Calcutta Session. Gandhi would later become the face of the Civil Disobedience Movement that emerged from the session.
    • Motilal Nehru: A senior leader within the Congress and father of Jawaharlal Nehru, Motilal Nehru played a significant role in guiding the party’s strategy during this period. He was involved in drafting key resolutions and advocating for more assertive action against British rule.
  3. Outcome of the Calcutta Session:
    • Adoption of the Purna Swaraj Resolution: The most significant outcome of the Calcutta Session was the adoption of the resolution declaring the Congress’s demand for complete independence (Purna Swaraj) from British rule. This resolution symbolized a shift from the earlier demand for dominion status towards a more radical stance of demanding full sovereignty.
    • Launch of Civil Disobedience Movement: In response to the adoption of the Purna Swaraj resolution, Mahatma Gandhi announced the launch of the Civil Disobedience Movement, which aimed to challenge British authority through non-violent means. This movement would later become one of the most powerful tools in the struggle for independence.
    • Boycott of Simon Commission: The Calcutta Session reaffirmed the Congress’s decision to boycott the Simon Commission and reject its recommendations, which were seen as inadequate and unrepresentative of Indian interests.
    • Unity among Nationalists: The session highlighted the unity and resolve among Indian nationalists in their pursuit of independence. Despite ideological differences within the Congress, there was consensus on the need for more assertive action against British rule.
  4. Impact:
    • The Calcutta Session marked a turning point in India’s struggle for independence, shifting the focus towards more radical methods of resistance against British rule.
    • The adoption of the Purna Swaraj resolution and the launch of the Civil Disobedience Movement galvanized popular support and mobilized Indians from all walks of life in the struggle for independence.
    • The session also demonstrated the Congress’s ability to lead and unite the Indian nationalist movement, laying the groundwork for future mass mobilization and agitation against colonial rule.

In summary, the Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress in 1928 was a watershed moment in India’s quest for independence, marking a shift towards more assertive and radical methods of resistance against British rule. The adoption of the Purna Swaraj resolution and the launch of the Civil Disobedience Movement reflected the growing determination of Indian nationalists to achieve complete independence from colonial domination.


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