• The UN Secretary-General will tell the Security Councilnext week that both Israel and Hamas are violating children’s rightsand leaving them exposed to danger in their war to eliminate each other
  • The Secretary-General annually makes a global list of states and militias that are menacing childrenand threatening them. ○ The preface of last year’s UN report says it lists parties engaged in “the killing and maiming of children, rape and other forms of sexual violence perpetrated against children, attacks on schools, hospitals and protected persons”
  • Parties on the list have ranged from the Kachin Independence Army in Myanmar to —last year —Russia during its war with Ukraine.
  • Now Israel is set to join them – António Guterres sends the list to the Security Council
  • The council can then decide whether to take action
  • Significance of the move — The inclusion of Israel this month will likely just put more of a global spotlight on the country’s conduct of the war in Gaza
  • And increase already high tensions in its relationship with the global body
  • Reaction of Israel — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “The UN put itself on the black list of history today” as the move heightened the long running feud between Israel and the UN. The United States is one of five veto-wielding permanent council members and has been reluctant to act against Israel


  • TheCompetition Commission of India (CCI)is a statutory body established under the Competition Act, 2002. Its primary role is to enforce competition laws, prevent anti-competitive practices, and promote fair competition in the Indian market. The CCI aims to ensure that markets work well for consumers, businesses, and the economy.
  • Impact of the Proposed Changes
  • Enhanced Regulatory Oversight: The introduction of independent agencies to monitor compliance will enhance the CCI’s ability to enforce its orders effectively
  • This will ensure that industry giants, particularly in the tech sector, adhere to their commitments and do not exploit regulatory loopholes.
  • Increased Transparency and Accountability: By ensuring that independent agencies monitor compliance, the CCI can maintain a higher standard of regulatory enforcement
  • Preventing Circumvention of Orders: The robust and independent monitoring mechanism will prevent big tech firms from circumventing regulatory orders.
  • This will ensure that they adhere to their commitments in both letter and spirit.
  • Setting a Benchmark in Regulatory Enforcement: The CCI’s move to tighten oversightthrough these new regulations is expected to set a benchmark in regulatory enforcement.
  • This will likely influence other sectors and regulatory bodies to adopt similar measures.
  • Financial Responsibility on Applicants:
  • By placing the financial responsibility for monitoring on the parties seeking settlement or commitment, the CCI ensures that the regulatory body is not burdened with additional costs.
  • This also incentivizes applicants to complywith regulations to avoid additional expenses.


  • Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is making significant strides in its Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) programme, which aims to develop a cost effective and efficient space transportation system by enabling the reuse of launch vehicles. Significance of the RLV Programme
  • Cost Efficiency: The RLV programme aims to significantly reduce the cost of launching payloads into space by enabling the reuse of launch vehicles.
  • Technological Advancements: The programme involves cutting edge technologies in autonomous navigation, thermal protection, and re-entry systems.
  • Strategic Importance: Successful development and deployment of RLVs will enhance India’s capabilities in space exploration and satellite deployment, making it a key player in the global space industry. Recent Developments: RLV Landing Experiment (RLV LEX) Mission Readiness Review (MRR)
  • Date and Location: The Mission Readiness Review (MRR) for the third and final RLV landing experiment (RLV LEX) was cleared
  • The experiment will take place at the Aeronautical Test Range in Chitradurga, Karnataka.
  • Objective: The primary objective of the RLV LEX missions is to test the autonomous landing capabilities of the unmanned winged prototype, named Pushpak. Mission Details: LEX-03
  • Prototype: Pushpak, an unmanned winged prototype.
  • Altitude and Distance: In LEX-03, Pushpak will be carried to a height of 4.5 km and 500 meters to one side of the runway using an Indian Air Force (IAF) Chinook helicopter and then released.
  • Autonomous Landing: The prototype must autonomously approach the runway, making crossrange, downrange, and altitude corrections to touch down safely.
  • Challenges: The mission will focus on reducing the sink rate(rate of descent) to minimize impact load and will handle tailwind conditions. It will also include a real-time kinematics (RTK) package for precise navigation. Previous Missions
  • LEX-01: Successfully carried out on April 2, 2023.
  • LEX-02: Conducted on March 22, 2024, with the prototype released at the same altitude but 150 meters laterally from the runway. Future Plans: Orbital Re-entry Vehicle (ORV)
  • Next Stage: The next phase under the RLV-TD (Technology Demonstrator) programme involves using an unmanned Orbital Re entry Vehicle (ORV).
  • Vehicle Specifications: The ORV will be 1.6 times the size of Pushpak used in the LEX missions.
  • Launch and Orbit: It will be placed in a 400 km orbitaround Earthusing a modified Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV)
  • Experiments and Features: The ORV will conduct various experiments in orbit and will be equipped with a thermal protection system for safe re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere and retractable landing gear.
  • Timeline: This mission is expected to take place in approximately two years.


  • Epigraphsare inscriptions or writings carved on durable materials such as stone, metal, or wood.
  • These inscriptions are often found on monuments, buildings, tombstones, and other historical artifacts.
  • They serve as valuable historical records, providing insights into the cultural, religious, political, and social aspects of past civilizations.
  • Key Findings: Persian Language Dominance:Many of the epigraphs are in Persian, highlighting its historical importance in the region.
  • Praise for Sultan Sikander:Some epigraphs depict local Hindus praising Sultan Sikander, offering a nuanced view contrary to his infamous title “Butshikan” (destroyer of Hindu statues).
  • Mughal Contributions:Documentation of community wellsand other infrastructure built by the Mughals.
  • Religious and Literary Sensibilities:The epigraphs showcase devotional and literary writings, spanning over four centuries, with texts in Persian, Arabic, and Sanskrit.
  • Trans-Regional Connections:The inscriptions reflect the socio-religious milieu and highlight Kashmir’s connections with broader regional dynamics. Notable Epigraphs and Inscriptions:
  • Khanmoh Epigraph:A Sanskrit inscription mentioning the foundation of a ‘maath’ during Zain-ul-Abidin’s reign and referring to his father, Sikander, in a positive light.  
  • Jamia Masjid Inscription:Documents the reconstruction of the mosque during Emperor Jahangir’s time by Malik Haider, with contributions from a Kashmiri calligrapher, Mulla Murad, and a Hindu engraver, Hari Ram.


  • The Leader of the Opposition (LoP)in India holds a significant position in the parliamentary system, serving as a critical counterbalanceto the ruling government.
  • Legal framework – The position of the Leader of the Opposition is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution of India.
  • However, it is recognized under theSalary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in Parliament Act, 1977.
  • According to this Act, the Leader of the Opposition is the leader of the largest party in the oppositionthat has the greatest numerical strength  
  • LoP is recognized as such by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha or the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.
  • Criteriafor Recognition: – The party must have at least 10% of the total seats in the Lok Sabha(55 seats out of 543) to be eligible for the Leader of the Opposition status.
  • This criterion ensures that the opposition party has a substantial presence in the House Role and Functions
  • Parliamentary Functions: – Debates and Discussions:The LoP plays a crucial role in parliamentary debates, providing critical analysis and alternative viewpoints on government policies and legislation.
  • Questioning the Government:The LoP is responsible for questioning the government’s actions and holding it accountable, ensuring transparency and good governance.
  • Committee Representation:The LoP is a member of various parliamentary committees, including the Public Accounts Committee, which scrutinizes government expenditure.
  • Institutional Role: Appointments: The LoP is part of the selection committees for key constitutional positions such as the Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC), the Central Information Commissioner (CIC), and the Lokpal. This ensures a non-partisan approach to these appointments.
  • Consultative Role: The LoP is consulted on important national issues, providing a balanced perspective and contributing to the decision-making process.
  • Symbolic Role:  Voice of the Opposition: The LoP symbolizes the voice of the opposition, representing the interests and concerns of the minority in the legislature.
  • Democratic Balance: The presence of the LoP ensures a healthy democratic balance, preventing the concentration of power and promoting a pluralistic political environment.


  1. The 50th G7 summit is scheduled to be held in Bassano, Italy from June 13 to 15.
  2. The IISS Shangri – La – Dialogue 2024, Asia’s premier defence summit, was held in Singapore.


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