Jan 29

China Incursion in Taiwan:

The USA has reaffirmed its support for Taiwan following China’s warplanes entering Taiwan’s air defence identification zone.

  • These overflights were part of a long-standing pattern of incursions by China aimed at pressuring the present democratically elected government of Taiwan to accept China’s demand to recognise Taiwan as a part of Chinese territory
  • Conflict between China and Taiwan (Background):
  • China and Taiwan separated amid civil war in 1949 and China considers Taiwan part of its territory to be taken control of by force if necessary.
  • But Taiwan’s leaders say that Taiwan is a sovereign state.
  • After decades of hostile intentions and angry rhetoric, relations between China and Taiwan started improving in the 1980s. China put forward a formula, known as “one country, two systems”, under which Taiwan would be given significant autonomy if it accepted Chinese reunification.
  • In Taiwan, the offer was rejected, but the government did relax rules on visits to and investment in China.
  • There were also limited talks between the two sides’ unofficial representatives, though Beijing’s insistence that Taiwan’s Republic of China (ROC) government is illegitimate prevented government-to-government contact.
  • China’s implementation of a  national security law in honkong in 2020 was seen by many as a yet another sign that Beijing was becoming significantly more assertive in the region.


Key Points

  • India-Pakistan on Basmati Rice:
    • The issue of protecting Basmati rice as a product of Pakistan came to the forefront after India submitted an application to the European Union (EU) claiming sole ownership of the commodity in September 2019.
      • India also claimed that the region producing basmati is a part of northern India, below the foothills of the Himalayas forming part of the Indo-Gangetic plain.
      • The Indian claim to the EU was challenged in December 2019 and the main argument by Pakistan was that Basmati rice was a joint product of India and Pakistan.
    • International laws require that before applying for registration of any product in the international market it has to be protected under the geographical indication laws of that country.
      • Pakistan enacted the Geographical Indications (Registration and Protection) Act in March 2020, which gives it the right to oppose Indian application for registration of Basmati rice exclusive rights.
  • Significance of Pakistan’s GI tag for its Basmati:
    • A GI tag would strengthen Pakistan’s case in the EU.
      • Pakistan exported 5,00,000-7,00,000 tonnes of Basmati rice annually to different parts of the world out of which 2,00,000 tonnes to 2,50,000 tonnes is being shipped to EU countries.
  • Effect on India:
    • Basmati rice was a joint heritage of India and Pakistan and Pakistan is as entitled to secure its Basmati rice trade as India.
    • However, Pakistan securing the GI tag for its basmati rice would, in no way, affect India’s Basmati exports.
    • Since Basmati rice fetches higher prices in the international markets, India had attempted to block Pakistan’s trade in the EU by declaring that its Basmati was the geographically original one.
  • GI tag for Basmati Rice in India:
    • India is a producer of premium Basmati and it has been grown from time immemorial in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) area of India and 18 districts of Pakistan’s Punjab.
      • It had been a tough battle for the country to protect Basmati name from the encroachment of various nations which all came out with their own versions of Basmati.


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