1. States should have a uniform policy on law and order: Shah

  • Page 1
  • GS 2: Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States,

2. Coinage with images of gods and goddesses dates back to Kushans

  • Page 6
  • GS 1: Indian Culture – Salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature and Architecture

3. Bengaluru firm’s floating trash barrier wins PSA’s clean waterbody challenge

  • Page 7
  • GS 3: Environmental pollution and degradation

4. The old but relevant script of the Cuban Missile crisis

  • Page 8 (Editorial)
  • GS 1: History of the world- Events, forms and effect on society since the 18th century

5. The dismal case of slashing schemes and cutting funds

  • Page 8 (Editorial)
  • GS 2: Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and the States and the performance of these schemes.

6. Limits of pleasure

  • Page 8 (Editorial)
  • GS 2: issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure

7. Going green

  • Page 8 (Editorial)
  • GS 3: Environmental pollution and degradation

8. TRAI provisions likely to be removed from Bill

  • Page 12
  • Prelims syllabus: Current events of national and international importance.

9. Settle Kashmir issue through dialogue, consultation: China

  • Page 13
  • GS 2: International Relations- India and its neighbourhood

10. GM mustard will be ready for cultivation in 3 crop seasons: IARI director

  • Page 14
  • GS 3: Science and Technology- Recent developments and their applications and effects in everyday life

11. Countries’ climate efforts fall short: UN

  • Page 15
  • Prelims syllabus: General issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change

12. RBI policy panel to discuss inflation report on Nov. 3

  • Page 16
  • GS 3: Indian Economy (Inflation)


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