Digital India Programme: National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA)

The Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs is planning to host a two-day National Workshop on the National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA) on May 24th and 25th, 2023. The workshop will take place at the Convention Hall, The Hotel Ashok, in New Delhi. The main objective of this workshop is to promote the adoption of the NeVA platform by all State and Union Territory Legislatures. By utilizing technology, the aim is to bring transparency, accountability, and responsiveness to their legislative proceedings.

NeVA is part of the “Digital India Programme” initiated by the Government of India and is classified as one of the 44 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs). Its purpose is to eliminate the need for paper-based operations in all State Legislatures, transforming them into digital entities. Currently, 21 State legislatures have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to implement NeVA.

Bangladesh-US Joint Naval Exercise held in Chattogram

The ‘Tiger Shark 40’ Joint Bangladesh-US Naval drill Exercise commenced at BNS Nirvik in Chattogram. The main aim of the exercise is to enhance the strategic capabilities of both countries and promote mutual exchange of technical and procedural knowledge.

According to a press release from the Bangladesh Inter Services Press Relations (ISPR), the exercise seeks to strengthen the existing positive relations between the armed forces of the two nations. The training exercise, overseen by Commodore Swords Command, involved the participation of Special Forces from the Bangladesh Army and Navy as well as US Special Forces. Rear Admiral Abdullah AL Mamun Chowdhury, Commander of Chattogram Naval Area, graced the event as the Chief Guest, and representatives from the US Embassy in Bangladesh also attended. The exercise was attended by officials from the Armed Forces Department, Army, Navy, Chittagong Naval Region, and invited guests.


Kerala To Become Fully E-Governed State From Thursday

Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan will on Thursday declare the state as fully ‘e-governed’ where delivery of government services would be digitised, transparent and fast. The declaration of Kerala as India’s ‘total e-governed state’ would be a major step in the southern state’s journey towards a knowledge based society and economy, besides achieving cent per cent digital literacy, a government release said.

The achievement would enable online delivery of a whole range of government services by leveraging state-of-the-art technology and platforms to build a single window service delivery mechanism called e-Sevanam which integrates more than 800 government services online, it said.

The total e-governance will also help bridging the digital divide by making digital infrastructure to all at affordable cost, which is critical in transforming Kerala into a digital society to achieve sustainable economic growth, the release said.


What is C-KYC Database?

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has recently classified the Centralised Know Your Customer (c-KYC) database as high risk, posing challenges for financial institutions. This move has prompted banks to explore alternative methods for customer authentication, such as video KYC or physical KYC.

c-KYC, or Centralised Know Your Customer, simplifies the Know Your Customer process for financial institutions. It allows them to fetch customer details from a centralized data repository, eliminating the need for repeated document submissions. This system gained popularity due to its utility and customer convenience.


World Thyroid Awareness Day 2023 observed on 25th May

World Thyroid Awareness Day is observed on May 25 every year. The day is dedicated to spreading awareness about thyroid-related disorders, their symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. On this day, all the stakeholders aim to educate people about the importance of maintaining a healthy thyroid gland and the impact of thyroid disorders on overall well-being.

While the early symptoms of thyroid diseases may not seem dangerous, if ignored, they can result in more serious issues. The purpose of World Thyroid Day is to raise awareness of common thyroid symptoms and to monitor the progression of thyroid problems. The day is devoted to thyroid sufferers as well as to everyone else who is dedicated to the global study and treatment of thyroid illnesses.

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