In addition to major movements like the Aligarh Movement and the Deoband Movement, several minor movements within the Muslim reformist tradition have contributed to the socio-religious landscape of India.

  1. Ahle Hadith Movement:
    • The Ahle Hadith movement emerged in British India during the 19th century and aimed to promote a puritanical interpretation of Islam based solely on the Quran and Hadith (sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad). Followers of this movement rejected traditional Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) and advocated for a return to the pristine teachings of Islam.
    • Notable figures associated with the Ahle Hadith movement include Siddiq Hasan Khan and Nazir Husain Dehlvi.
  2. Jamaat-e-Islami Hind:
    • Founded by Maulana Abul A’la Maududi in 1941, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind is an Islamic revivalist movement that seeks to establish an Islamic state based on Shariah law. It emphasizes Islamic education, moral reform, and social welfare activities.
    • The movement has played a significant role in promoting Islamic activism and political mobilization among Muslims in India. It operates educational institutions, publishes literature, and engages in social welfare projects.
  3. Tablighi Jamaat:
    • Tablighi Jamaat is a global Islamic missionary movement that originated in British India in the early 20th century. It focuses on grassroots missionary work (tabligh) aimed at reviving Islamic practices and spirituality among Muslims.
    • The movement emphasizes the importance of individual and collective piety, Islamic outreach (dawah), and adherence to the Sunnah (traditions) of Prophet Muhammad.
    • Tablighi Jamaat organizes regular congregational gatherings (ijtemas) and sends missionaries (khuddam) to various parts of the world to spread its message of religious renewal and moral reform.
  4. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP):
    • The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (Movement of the Pakistani Taliban) is a militant Islamic movement that emerged in Pakistan’s tribal areas in the early 2000s. It aims to establish Shariah law in Pakistan and opposes the government’s secular policies.
    • The TTP has been involved in numerous acts of terrorism and insurgency in Pakistan, targeting security forces, government officials, and civilians. It has also been responsible for attacks on religious minorities and educational institutions.
  5. Barelvi Movement:
    • The Barelvi movement is a Sunni Islamic revivalist movement that emerged in British India in the 19th century. Followers of the movement, known as Barelvis, emphasize the veneration of Sufi saints, devotion to Prophet Muhammad, and participation in rituals such as Mawlid celebrations.
    • The movement has played a significant role in popularizing Sufi practices and beliefs among Muslims in South Asia. It operates numerous mosques, shrines, and religious institutions and has a large following among the masses.

These minor movements, along with others like the Ahmadiyya Movement and the Wahhabi Movement, have contributed to the diversity of Islamic thought and practice in India and have shaped the religious, social, and political landscape of the country.


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