The Indian National Congress (INC), founded in 1885, has been at the forefront of India’s struggle for independence and has played a pivotal role in shaping the country’s political landscape. Throughout its history, the INC has witnessed various miscellaneous events that have influenced its trajectory and impacted the broader nationalist movement.

  1. First Session of the Indian National Congress (1885):
    • The inaugural session of the Indian National Congress took place in Bombay (now Mumbai) in December 1885.
    • The session was attended by 72 delegates, representing different regions and communities across India.
    • The Congress was founded with the aim of promoting Indian interests and advocating for political reforms within the British colonial system.
  2. Formation of the Moderates and Extremists Factions:
    • The early years of the Indian National Congress saw the emergence of two prominent factions: the Moderates and the Extremists.
    • The Moderates, led by figures like Dadabhai Naoroji and Gopal Krishna Gokhale, advocated for constitutional methods and gradual reforms within the colonial framework.
    • The Extremists, led by leaders such as Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal, called for more assertive and radical methods to challenge British rule and achieve independence.
  3. Surat Split (1907):
    • The Surat session of the Indian National Congress in 1907 witnessed a split between the Moderates and Extremists.
    • The split was primarily over differences in leadership style, strategy, and objectives within the Congress.
    • This event marked a significant moment in the evolution of the Indian nationalist movement and led to the formation of separate factions advocating for different approaches to achieving independence.
  4. Non-Cooperation Movement (1920-1922):
    • The Non-Cooperation Movement was launched by Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian National Congress in 1920.
    • The movement aimed to boycott British goods, institutions, and services as a means of non-violent resistance against British colonial rule.
    • The movement saw widespread participation from across India and played a significant role in mobilizing mass support for the nationalist cause.
  5. Civil Disobedience Movement (1930-1934):
    • The Civil Disobedience Movement was launched by Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian National Congress in 1930.
    • The movement aimed to challenge British colonial laws and policies through non-violent non-cooperation and disobedience.
    • It included acts of civil disobedience such as the Salt Satyagraha, the Dandi March, and boycotts of British goods and institutions.
  6. Partition of India (1947):
    • The Indian National Congress played a central role in the negotiations leading to the partition of British India and the creation of India and Pakistan in 1947.
    • The partition resulted in widespread communal violence, displacement, and loss of life, and had profound implications for the future of the subcontinent.
  7. Post-Independence Era:
    • After independence, the Indian National Congress became the dominant political party in India and played a leading role in the nation-building process.
    • It has governed India for the majority of its post-independence history, under the leadership of figures such as Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, and others.

These miscellaneous events in the history of the Indian National Congress highlight its role as a key player in India’s struggle for independence and subsequent nation-building efforts. The Congress has witnessed internal divisions, leadership transitions, and significant political movements that have shaped the course of Indian history.


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