Mountbatten prepared a `Dickie Bird Plan’ for India’s independence. This plan was prepared by a committee of General Sir Hastings Ismay, Sir George Abell and Lord Mountbatten himself.

The ‘Plan Balkan’ was completed and presented on 15-16 April, 1947 by Hasting Ismay to assembly of provincial governors in Delhi. Due to this, this plan was also called `Ismay Plan’.

The main proposal of this plan was that provinces should become first independent successor states rather than an Indian Union or the two dominions of India and Pakistan.

As per this plan all the provinces viz Madras, Bombay, United Provinces of Bengal, Punjab and North West Frontier, etc were proposed to be declared Independent. The states later would decide whether to join constituent assembly or not.

This plan was not discussed in details with leaders of India and Mountbatten discussed just informally. He gave the plan a final touch and sent to London. Later, when he moved to Shimla, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru joined him as a guest. Mountbatten introduced the details of the plan before Nehru.

Nehru rejected the plan right away and told him that this plan would invite balkanisation of India and would provoke conflict and violence.

Consequently, Mountbatten communicated with England and this plan was cancelled, it was also called as ‘Plan Balkan’.


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