South India’s Ageing Population

Syllabus: GS1/ Social Issue, Population


  • Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister pointed to a declining fertility rate in southern states, which has dropped to 1.6—well below the national average of 2.1.

Trends in Southern India Population

  • Declining Fertility Rates: Southern Indian states like Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala have already reached or are nearing replacement-level fertility (2.1 children per woman). For instance:
  • Andhra Pradesh achieved this in 2004.
  • Kerala reached this level as early as 1988.
  • These states have significantly lower fertility rates compared to Northern India, contributing to slower population growth.
  • Aging Population: With lower fertility rates and increasing life expectancy, the population in Southern India is aging rapidly:
    • Kerala’s 60+ population is projected to rise from 13% in 2011 to 23% by 2036.
    • Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu are also witnessing a similar demographic shift, creating a growing proportion of elderly residents.
  • Population Growth Contribution: Southern states are projected to contribute only 9% to India’s total population growth from 2011 to 2036. In contrast, Northern states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar will account for a much larger share of India’s future population growth.
  • Internal Migration and Workforce: Due to declining birth rates and a shrinking working-age population, Southern states are becoming more reliant on migrants from Northern India to fill labor shortages and maintain economic growth.
  • Impact on Political Representation: Slower population growth in Southern India raises concerns about political representation. After the delimitation of constituencies, Southern states might lose some parliamentary seats, while more populous Northern states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar may gain representation.
  • Economic and Healthcare Strain: The growing elderly population in Southern states is expected to increase healthcare expenditures and place further demands on social security systems. 

Challenges With Population Decline

  • Economic Impact: A high percentage of the aging population does imply that the state may have to spend more on taking care of this growing population.
    • There is an increased pressure on pension systems and social security. 
  • Need of Caregiving: With a rise in the elderly population, there is a growing need for caregivers.
    • Families can struggle to balance caregiving responsibilities with work and personal lives.
  • Social Isolation: Older adults often face social isolation, especially in urban areas where traditional family structures are changing.
  • Impact on women: Poverty is inherently gendered in old age when older women are more likely to be widowed, living alone, with no income and with fewer assets of their own, and fully dependent on family for support.
  • Policy Development: There is a need for comprehensive policies addressing the needs of older adults, including healthcare, housing, and social welfare.
  • North-South Divide: Northern states like Uttar Pradesh, which contribute more to India’s population, may see increased political and economic focus, affecting resource distribution.

Way Ahead

  • Promoting Internal Migration: Southern states can alleviate workforce shortages by drawing in workers from Northern India, which has a larger working-age population. This can help bridge the gap created by a declining young population in the South.
  • Workforce Development: Investments in automation, advanced technology, and skills retraining programs will be key to efficiently managing a shrinking labor force. This approach can maintain productivity while mitigating the effects of fewer young workers.
  • Incentivize families: Focus on healthcare, education, and employment opportunities—could be more effective in encouraging higher birth rates.
  • Balanced Growth: To minimize regional disparities, equal emphasis on economic and social development across both Northern and Southern states is crucial. This can ensure sustainable internal migration and reduce socio-economic imbalances across regions.

Rural Youth Lead India’s Digital Transformation

Syllabus :GS 2/Governance 

In News

  • Rural Youth are seen as the driving force behind India’s aspirations, especially during the digital transformation.


  • Rural India is undergoing a remarkable transformation as more young people embrace technology and connect to the digital world. 
  • The adoption of mobile technology is on the rise, with a growing number of rural youths integrating digital tools into their daily lives

Data Analysis 

  • Mobile Usage: High Adoption: 95.7% of rural youth (aged 15-24) use mobile phones; 99.5% have 4G coverage.
  • Internet Access: 82.1% of rural youth can access the internet, with rapid growth noted.
    • 80.4% of rural youth used the internet in the three months prior to the survey.
    • Internet usage is increasing, closing the gap with urban areas, which stands at 91.0%.

Impact of Digitalization

  • Digital competence grows: 74.9% of rural youth can send basic messages.
    • Skills in data management (copying, pasting) are growing, with 67.1% capable of these tasks.
    • 60.4% actively search for information online.
  • The digital expansion is helping rural youth adopt technology, improving communication, education, and financial activities.
    • The shift towards digitalization is enhancing efficiency and empowering individuals, particularly in rural areas.

Challenges in Digital Skills

  • Emailing skills are limited (43.6% can send emails).
  • Online banking capabilities are low, with 31% able to conduct transactions.

Government Initiatives:

  • Digital India Initiative: Promotes technology and innovation through various schemes (e.g., TIDE 2.0, GENESIS).
  • BharatNet Project: Aims to connect rural areas with optical fiber for broadband access.
  • Public Wi-Fi Initiatives: PM-WANI provides public Wi-Fi hotspots across India.

Future Outlook: 

  • Rural digital expansion in India is enabling young people to adopt technology, bringing significant changes to everyday life and narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas
  • Continued improvements in digital literacy and infrastructure will enable rural youth to play a vital role in a more connected and inclusive India.

Administrative Allocation of Satellite Spectrum

Syllabus: GS2/ Governance, GS3/ Science and Technology


  • The Union Communications Minister confirmed that the spectrum for satellite communication will be allocated administratively, rather than through an auction of airwaves.

What is Satellite spectrum?

  • Satellite spectrum refers to the radio frequencies used for satellite communications.
    • These frequencies enable satellite-based systems to transmit data and signals between satellites in orbit and ground stations. 
  • Unlike terrestrial spectrum, satellite spectrum operates without national territorial limits and is managed globally by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). 
  • Satellite spectrum is divided into different frequency bands, each suited for specific types of communication;
    • L-band (1–2 GHz): Used for mobile satellite services, GPS, and maritime communication.
    • S-band (2–4 GHz): Used for mobile satellite communication, weather satellites, and some satellite TV.
    • C-band (4–8 GHz): Primarily used for satellite TV broadcasting and long-distance communication.
    • X-band (8–12 GHz): Used for military communication and radar applications.
    • Ku-band (12–18 GHz): Common for satellite TV, broadband internet, and fixed satellite services.
    • Ka-band (26–40 GHz): Used for high-speed satellite internet, military communications, and high-resolution satellite imagery.

Potential of Satellite Communication (Satcom) in India

  • India’s satcom sector, currently standing at $2.3 billion a year and will reach $20 billion by 2028.
  • India is ranked fourth in terms of investments in the sector globally. 
  • In India roughly 290.4 million households are untapped with broadband, which present a strong market opportunity for satellite operators.

Benefits of Satellite Communication 

  • Satcom services use an array of satellites in orbit to provide connectivity on the ground. They do not require wires to transmit data, and are an alternative to ground-based communication, called terrestrial networks, such as cable, fiber, or digital subscriber line (DSL).
  • Wider Coverage: Satcom can reach remote and rural areas that are inaccessible to terrestrial networks. 
  • Resilient Network: Satellite-based Internet is generally more resilient than terrestrial services due to fewer components on the ground. This makes it less vulnerable to damage from extreme weather events, ensuring more reliable service during crises.
  • Reduced Infrastructure Requirements: Unlike terrestrial networks, which require extensive physical infrastructure (like cables and towers), satcom can cover vast areas with minimal equipment installation.

Spectrum allocation in India

  • Spectrum for satcom is part of the first schedule of The Telecommunications Act, 2023 (“Assignment of spectrum through administrative process”). 
  • Under Section 4(4) of the Act, telecom spectrum shall be assigned through auction “except for entries listed in the First Schedule for which assignment shall be done by administrative process”.
  • Administrative process under the Act means assignment of spectrum without holding an auction (a bid process for assignment of spectrum).

Purpose of Administrative Allocation

  • For terrestrial mobile services, spectrum is exclusive, and is managed only by a single mobile operator in a given geographical area; therefore, this cannot be shared between or amongst operators.
  • In the case of satellites, the same spectrum is non-exclusive in nature, and can be used by multiple satellite operators to serve the same geographical area.
    • The general trend, therefore, is to allocate satellite spectrum administratively.
  • Countries like the US, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia previously held auctions for satellite spectrum, including orbital slots. However, both the US and Brazil reverted to administrative assignment after finding auctions impractical.
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
– It is the United Nations specialized agency for Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
– Founded in 1865 to facilitate international connectivity in communications networks.
1. India has been a member of ITU since 1869.
– Functions: It allocates global radio spectrum and satellite orbits.
1. It  develops the technical standards that ensure networks and technologies seamlessly interconnect, and strive to improve access to ICTs to underserved communities worldwide. 

Rome Declaration on Water Scarcity in Agriculture

Syllabus: GS3/ Environment and Agriculture


  • The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) adopted the Rome Declaration on Water Scarcity in Agriculture.


  • The declaration was launched on the occasion of the High-level Rome Water Dialogue, taking place on the sidelines of FAO’s annual World Food Forum (WFF).
  • The Declaration was aimed at addressing water scarcity increasingly exacerbated by the climate crisis.
  • The WASAG initiative was launched at the United Nations Climate Conference in Marrakesh in 2016 to support countries in addressing water scarcity challenges.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
– FAO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger and improve food security. 
– It was founded on 16 October 1945.
– Members: The FAO comprises 195 members, including 194 countries and the European Union. 
– Headquarters: Rome, Italy.
World Food Forum (WFF)
– WFF was launched in 2021 by the Youth Committee of the Food and Agriculture Organization as an independent network of partners. 
– It serves as the premier global platform to actively shape agrifood systems for a better food future, accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
– Key highlight: The Global Family Farming Forum was launched by the FAO and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
– The theme of  2024 WFF: ‘Good food for all, for today and tomorrow’.

What is Family Farming?

  • Family farming refers to agricultural activities that are managed and operated by families, relying primarily on family labor. 
  • It encompasses all family-based agricultural activities, including crops, forestry, fisheries, and pastoralism. 

Significance of Family farming

  • Family farming, with over 550 million farms worldwide, is the backbone of food production, accounting for over 90 per cent of all farms,
    • It produces 70 to 80 percent of the world’s food in value terms.
  • Family farmers, especially in low- and middle-income countries, grow diverse, nutritious food, support crop biodiversity and manage natural resources responsibly. 
  • The United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF) 2019-2028 was adopted on December 20, 2017 by the UN General Assembly unanimously and supported by 104 countries.

Challenges Faced by Family Farming

  • Climate Change: It is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, such as droughts, floods, and unpredictable weather patterns, which affect crop yields and food production.
  • Access to Resources: The small family farms face limited access to land, water, financial services, technology, and markets, impeding their ability to increase productivity and income.
  • Policy and Institutional Support: In many regions, family farmers receive insufficient government support in terms of subsidies, infrastructure, and favorable policies that could help them compete in larger markets.

Way Ahead

  • Promoting climate-smart agricultural practices is essential to help family farmers adapt to changing environmental conditions.
  • Engaging the younger generation in farming through education, skill development, and financial incentives will help ensure the continuity of family farming.

Need for Nature Restoration Law in India

Syllabus: GS3/ Environment


  • India needs a comprehensive nature restoration law, inspired by the European Union (EU) Nature Restoration Law, to address its growing environmental crises and land degradation.

Nature Restoration Law

  • The law aims to repair the 80% of European habitats that are in poor condition by 2050.
  • There will be legally binding targets for every Member State.
  • The aim is to cover at least 20% of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030 with nature restoration measures, and eventually extend these to all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050.

Need for Restoration Law in India

  • Land Degradation: According to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)’s Desertification and Land Degradation Atlas, nearly 97.85 million hectares (29.7%) of India’s total geographical area underwent land degradation in 2018-19.
  • Global Commitments: India has committed to restoring 26 million hectares of degraded land by 2030 as part of the Bonn Challenge and the UN’s Land Degradation Neutrality goals.
  • Climate Change Vulnerability: Degraded land exacerbates the impacts of climate change, making regions more prone to droughts, floods, and other climate-related disasters.

Benefits of restoration

  • According to the World Economic Forum, nature restoration could globally generate economic returns of up to $10 trillion annually by 2030. 
    • In India, restoring degraded lands would enhance agricultural productivity, improve water security, and create millions of jobs, particularly in rural areas. 
  • SDG Goal 15: The law could also help India meet its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 15, which calls for the sustainable management of forests and combating desertification.
  • Climate resilience: Restoring ecosystems can also mitigate the effects of climate change, which exacerbates land degradation. Degraded land loses its capacity to absorb carbon dioxide, further contributing to global warming. 
  • International agreements: By restoring its ecosystems, India can enhance its carbon sinks and meet its commitments under the Paris Agreement.

Initiatives taken by India

  • Green India Mission: It aims to increase forest and tree cover by 5 million hectares and improve the quality of forest cover in another 5 million hectares.
  • Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana: It aims to improve irrigation coverage and enhance water use efficiency in agriculture.
    • It focuses on “more crop per drop,” through measures like rainwater harvesting, watershed management, and micro-irrigation
  • Integrated Watershed Management Programme: It is the second-largest watershed programme in the world. It seeks to restore ecological balance by harnessing, conserving, and developing degraded natural resources like soil, vegetation, and water. 
  • National Afforestation Programme: It supports the afforestation, reforestation, and eco-restoration of degraded forests and non-forest lands. 

Way Ahead

  • Restoration targets: India should aim to restore 20% of its degraded land by 2030, with a goal of restoring all ecosystems by 2050. This includes forests, wetlands, rivers, agricultural lands, and urban green spaces.
  • Wetland restoration: Critical wetlands such as the Sundarbans and Chilika Lake support biodiversity and carbon sequestration. A law could target restoring 30% of degraded wetlands by 2030.
  • Biodiversity in agriculture: Promoting agroforestry and sustainable practices could restore farmlands. Indicators such as the butterfly or bird index used in the EU, could track progress.
  • Urban green spaces: India should ensure no net loss of green spaces, promoting urban forests in cities such as Bengaluru and Delhi, which face heat islands and declining air quality.

Concluding remark

  • The EU’s Nature Restoration Law sets an important precedent for countries worldwide. 
  • Given the alarming levels of land degradation and biodiversity loss in India, such a law would not only help India restore its degraded ecosystems but also contribute to its socio-economic development and climate resilience.

New Assessment Highlights Role of Wetlands in National Biodiversity Strategies

Syllabus: GS3/Biodiversity and Conservation


  • A recent assessment by an organisation commissioned by Wetlands International, highlighted the critical importance of wetlands in the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAP) submitted after the COP15. 


  • It provides insights into how effectively the wetlands have been incorporated into NBSAPs worldwide.
  • It aims to highlight the crucial role that wetland conservation and restoration play in the successful implementation of the Global Biodiversity Plan.

Major Findings

  • The assessment includes 24 NBSAPs from around the world, representing 12 per cent of the 196 countries that are parties to the Convention on Biodiversity. 
  • 83 percent of the submitted NBSAPs explicitly mention wetlands, inland waters or freshwater in their targets. 
  • 71 percent of the plans articulate specific measures for restoration (Target 2) and 50 percent include protection for these important ecosystems (Target 3). 
  • Fewer NBSAPs provide specific, measurable targets, indicating a need for improvement in those areas.
  • 16 NBSAPs mentioned specific wetland types, including mangroves, rivers, lakes and peatlands.
    • Among these, mangroves, rivers and lakes received the highest mentions, indicating their importance in various environmental targets. 
  • Recommendation: The report emphasised the need for countries to enhance the integration of wetlands within national biodiversity targets, establishing clear, measurable goals for wetland restoration and protection. 
COP 16
– The Sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 16) is to be held in Cali, Colombia from 21 October – 1 November 2024.
– It will be the first Biodiversity COP since the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework at COP 15 in 2022.
– At COP 16, governments will be tasked with reviewing the state of implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. 
– Parties to the Convention are expected to show the alignment of their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) with the Framework

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)

  • GBF was adopted by the COP15 to the Convention on Biological Diversity in 2022.
  • It has been promoted as a “Paris Agreement for Nature”.
  • The GBF contains 4 global goals and 23 targets.
    • Among the twenty-three targets to be achieved by 2030 include halving the introduction of invasive species, and $500 billion/year reduction in harmful subsidies.
    • “Target 3” is especially referred to as the “30X30” target.
  • ’30X30′ target
    • Under it, delegates committed to protecting 30% of land and 30% of coastal and marine areas by 2030, fulfilling the deal’s highest-profile goal, known as 30-by-30.
    • The deal also aspires to restore 30% of degraded lands and waters throughout the decade, up from an earlier aim of 20%.
    • Also, the world will strive to prevent destroying intact landscapes and areas with a lot of species, bringing those losses “close to zero by 2030”.

What is a Wetland?

  • A wetland is an ecosystem in which the land is covered by water—salt, fresh, or somewhere in between—either seasonally or permanently. It functions as its own distinct ecosystem. 
  • It includes water bodies such as lakes, rivers, underground aquifers, swamps, wet grasslands, peatlands, deltas, tidal flats, mangroves, coral reefs, and other coastal areas as well. 
  • These wetlands can be classified into three segments such as inland wetlands, coastal wetlands, and human-made wetlands.

Wetlands in India

  • India includes high-altitude wetlands of the Himalayas, floodplains of rivers such as Ganges and Brahmaputra, lagoons and mangrove marshes on the coastline, and reefs in marine environments.
  • India has around 4.6% of its land as wetlands, 85 Wetlands of India covering are under the List of Wetlands of International Importance. 
  • Presently, India stands first in South Asia and third in Asia in terms of number of designated sites.

Importance of Wetlands

  • Biodiversity Hotspots: Wetlands are among the most biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth, supporting a wide variety of plant and animal species.
  • Water Filtration and Purification: Wetlands act as natural filters, trapping and removing pollutants and sediments from water. 
  • Flood Control and Water Regulation: Wetlands function as natural buffers against floods by absorbing and slowing down excess water during heavy rainfall or storm events. 
  • Carbon Sequestration: The waterlogged conditions in wetlands slow down the decomposition of organic matter, leading to the accumulation of carbon in the soil.
  • Economic Benefits: Wetlands support various economic activities, including fisheries, agriculture, and tourism. They provide valuable resources for local communities and contribute to the overall economy.

Threats to Wetlands

  • Urbanization: Wetlands near urban centres are under increasing developmental pressure for residential, industrial and commercial facilities
  • Agricultural activities: Following the Green Revolution of the 1970s, vast stretches of wetlands have been converted to paddy fields. 
  • Deforestation: Removal of vegetation in the catchment leads to soil erosion and siltation.
  • Pollution: Unrestricted dumping of sewage and toxic chemicals from industries has polluted many freshwater wetlands.
  • Aquaculture: Demand for shrimps and fishes has provided economic incentives to convert wetlands and mangrove forests to develop pisciculture and aquaculture ponds.
  • Introduced species: Indian wetlands are threatened by exotic introduced plant species such as water hyacinth and salvinia. 
  • Climate change: Increased air temperature; shifts in precipitation; increased frequency of storms, floods; and sea level rise also affect wetlands.
  • Drought: Prolonged dry periods lead to reduced water levels in wetlands, impacting their ecological functions and the species that depend on them.


  • Conserving and properly managing wetlands is crucial to maintaining the ecological functions and ensuring the continued provision of the services they offer to both the environment and society. 


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