All the candidates who are willing to apply for the SBI Clerk Recruitment, need to ful ll the eligibility criteria for the recruitment.
As per the of cial noti cation released by SBI, candidates should have attained a minimum of 20 years of age, and should not exceed the age of 28 years. Candidates must have been born not earlier than 02nd April 1993 and not later than 01st April 2001. Besides this, there is age relaxation relevant to category wise candidates as per the government rules:
S.No | Category | Upper Age Limit |
1 | SC/ST | 33 Years |
2. | OBC | 31 Years |
3. | Person with Disabilities (General) | 38 Years |
4. | Person with Disabilities (SC/ST) | 43 Years |
5. | Person with Disabilities (OBC) | 41 Years |
6 | Jammu & Kashmir Migrants | 33 Years |
7. | Ex-Servicemen/Disabled Ex-Servicemen | The actual period of service rendered in defence services + 3 years 8 years for disabled Ex-servicemen belonging to SC/ST subject to a max. age of 50 years. |
8 | Widows, Divorced, Women (No Married) | GEN – 35 Years OBC – 38 Years SC/ST – 40 Years 7 years (subject to the maximum age limit of 35 years for General/EWS, 38 years for OBC & 40 years for SC/ST candidates) |
- He/she must hold a valid degree in any discipline from a recognized university.
- Candidates having integrated dual degree (IDD) certi cates should ensure that the date of passing the IDD. Those who are in the nal year/semester of their Graduation may also apply provisionally subject to the condition that, if provisionally selected, they will have to produce proof of having passed the graduation examination.
- Matriculate Ex-servicemen, who have obtained the Indian Army Special Certi cate of Education or corresponding certi cate in the Navy or Air Force, after having completed not less than 15 years of service in the Armed Forces of the Union are also eligible for the post.
Computer Literacy: Knowledge of computer operation is required for the SBI Clerk exam
All Candidates can nd below table of SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2021. SBI Clerk Exam consists of two phases i.e. Preliminary exam and Mains exam followed by the LPT test (if applicable). Following is the SBI Clerk 2021 exam pattern for Phase I & Phase II.
SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern 2021 (OBJECTIVE) :
SBI Clerk consists of three subjects i.e. Resoning Ability, Quantitative aptitude and English Language in the preliminary exam. The Preliminary Examination consists of Objective Test for 100 marks. This test is of 1-hour duration consisting of 3 Sections (with separate timings for each section) as follows
S. No. | Subjects | No. of Questions | Max. Marks | Duration |
1. | English Language | 30 | 30 | 20 minutes |
2. | Quantitative Aptitude | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
3. | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
Total | 100 | 100 | 60 minutes |
Candidates have to qualify for the test by securing passing marks to be decided by the Bank. There will be no sectional cut-off. An adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by the Bank (approximately 10 times the number of vacancies subject to availability) is shortlisted for the Main Examination.
Four sections are there in the SBI Clerk Mains exam i.e. Reasonig Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language and General Awareness. There is a sectional timing in SBI Clerk mains exam given as below. SBI Clerk Main Examination consists of Objective Tests for 200 marks. The given table shows the expected pattern for SBI Clerk Mains Examination
S. No. | Name of Tests (Not by Sequence) | No. of Questions | Max. Marks | Duration |
1 | Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude | 50 | 60 | 45 minutes |
2 | English Language | 40 | 40 | 35 minutes |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | 45 minutes |
4 | General/ Financial Awareness | 50 | 50 | 35 minutes |
Total | 190 | 200 | 160 minutes |
Note: There will be negative marks of 1/4th in both prelims as well as mains exam. Also, there is a sectional timing in both the phase of the SBI Clerk Exam.
The merit list will be framed as per the mains stage marks but it is important to go through the speci ed opted language.
Language Proficiency Test :
After qualifying SBI Clerk Mains exam, candidates have to qualify for the specified opted local language test. Those who produce 10th and 12th standard mark sheets having specified local language will not be subject to any language test. Candidates not found proficient in speci ed opted local language would be disqualified.
Reasoning Ability | Direction & Distance Blood Relation Syllogism Alphanumeric Series Inequality Coding-Decoding Order & Ranking Input-Output Data Suf ciency Resultant & Coded Series Circular/Triangular/Square/Rectangular Seating arrangement Linear row/Double row arrangement Floor based Puzzle Box based Puzzle Day/Month/Year/Age based Puzzle Comparison/Categorised/Uncertain Puzzle Blood relation based Puzzle Alphabets based Questions |
Quantitative Aptitude | Simpli cation Approximation Missing Series Wrong Series Quadratic Equation Data Suf ciency Data Interpretation (Bar, Line, Pie, Tabular) Average, Ratio, Percentage, Pro t & Loss Simple Interest & Compound Interest Problems on Ages Time & Work, Pipes & Cisterns Speed, Distance & Time |
Probability Mensuration Permutation & Combination Mixture & Allegation Pertnership Boat & Stream | |
English Language | Reading comprehension Fillers Cloze Test Phrase Replacement Odd Sentence Out cum Para Jumbled Inference, Sentence Completion Connectors Paragraph Conclusion Phrasal Verb Related Questions Error Detection/ Sentence based Error Word Usage/Vocab based Questions Sentence Improvement Error Correction Idioms & Phrases Word Swap Misspelt Word Rearrangement Column based Sentences & Fillers |
Reasoning Ability | Machine Input-Output Blood Relation Syllogism Direction & Distance Alphanumeric Series Coding Decoding Order & Ranking Inequalites Data Suf ciency Statement & Conclusion Statment & Assumption Course of Action Cause & Effect Statment & Inference Strength of Argument |
Computer Aptitude | History & Generation of Computers Introduction to Computer Organization Computer Memory Hardware & Input-Output Devices Computer Software Computer Languages Operating System Computer Network Internet MS Of ce & Shortcut Keys Basics of DBMS Number System & Conversions Computer & Network Security |
Quantitative Aptitude | Data Interpretation (Bar, Line, Tabular, Pie, Radar, Caselet) Quadratic Equations Inequalities (Quantity 1 & Quantity 2) Missing Series Wrong Series Simpli cation & Approximation Pro t & Loss Simple Interest & Compound Interest Problems on Ages & Partnership Time & Work Speed, Distance & Time Mensuration Probability, Permutation & Combination Mixture & Allegation Average, Ratio & Proportion Boat & Stream Pipes & Cisterns Data Suf ciency |
English Language | Reading Comprehension Fillers New Pattern Cloze Test Phrase Replacement Odd Sentence out cum Para Jumbles Inference Sentence Completion Connectors Paragraph Conclusion Phrasal Verb related Questions Error Detection Word Usage |
General Awareness | Banking Awareness Financial Awareness Current Affairs Static Awareness Government Schemes & Policies Awards & Recognization Books & Authors Committees Natinal Affairs International Affairs Sports Defence News |
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