1. Malabar rebellion of 1921:

  • GS Paper 1: Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present- significant events, personalities, issues.


  • According to the Indian Council for Historical Research (ICHR), it has been decided to postpone its decision on a suggestion to remove the 1921 Malabar Rebellion martyrs, who included Variamkunnathu Kunhahamad Haji and Ali Musliyar, off the list of India’s independence warriors until further notice.

What exactly is the problem?

They believed that the uprising that occurred in Malabar was an unbalanced attack on Hindus and that this was the case. Due to the fact that just two Britishers died during the disturbance, the insurrection could not be deemed a part of the liberation movement.

The subcommittee had suggested that the leaders of the Malabar Rebellion, who were primarily Muslims, be removed off the list of those who supported the rebellion. Some believe that this is an attempt to skew the course of history.

What exactly was the Mapilla uprising?

The Mapilla insurrection, also known as the Moplah Rebellion (Moplah Disturbances), which occurred in 1921, was the conclusion of a series of riots by Moplahs (Muslims of Malabar) against the British and Hindu landowners in Malabar that began in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century (Northern Kerala).

The uprising will commemorate its centennial anniversary in the year 2021, marking the 100th anniversary of the event.

The revolt’s origins and consequences are as follows:

The fight against British colonial control and the feudal system that began in the 18th century eventually culminated in sectarian bloodshed between Hindus and Muslims.

When Gandhiji and Shaukat Ali, the head of the Khilafat movement in India, travelled to Calicut together in August 1920, they were attempting to promote the united message of non-cooperation and Khilafat among the population of the Malabar region.

In answer to Gandhiji’s demand, a Khilafat committee was created throughout Malabar and the Mappilas, under the leadership of their religious leader Mahadum Tangal of Ponnani, who promised his support to the non-cooperation movement in the country.

The majority of tenants’ complaints were about their lack of security of tenure, excessive rents, renewal fees, and other unjust demands placed on them by their landlords.

The British government reacted aggressively, bringing in Gurkha troops to quell it and declaring martial law in the process.

The Tragedy of the Wagon:

The wagon disaster, which occurred when roughly 60 Mappila inmates on their route to jail were choked to death in a locked railway freight waggon during the British repression, was a notable incident of the period.


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