What do you mean by probity? Explain its significance in governance using specific examples. (150 Words)


  • Define the term “Probity.”
  • State its significance in governance using pertinent instances.
  • Finally, explain some of the issues related with it in governance.


Probity is synonymous with integrity, uprightness, and honesty. It refers to ethical behaviour that maintains public principles while also ensuring impartiality, accountability, and transparency. It is the existence of procedural integrity combined with high ethical standards in public service. It strikes a balance between communal duty and private self-interest.

In public life, the principle of probity is the bedrock of good government. It is central to the Sustainable Development Goals. Probity in government is the polar opposite of corruption in public life. The UN Convention against Corruption emphasises this.

There are various established probity principles, which are as follows:

  • Accountability
  • Transparency
  • Confidentiality
  • Conflicts of Interest Management

The significance of probity in governance -:

  • To avoid unethical actions in governance such as misbehaviour, fraud, and corruption. It also aids in recovering the public’s trust. For example, when the ‘Coal Scam’ was exposed by CAG, it was only due to the institution’s integrity that it was able to do so.
  • The essence of participatory governance is to ensure public interest and cooperation in governing.
  • To meet the demands of all segments of society in order to promote inclusive growth.
  • To ensure equitable resource allocation.
  • To project a positive image of the country around the world. For example, Scandinavian countries such as Sweden and Norway, in general, perform very well in public administration, demonstrating the integrity of their administrations and strengthening their global image.
  • To introduce good governance (Accountability, transparency, integrity, Confidentiality, etc.)

Probity in governance is fraught with difficulties:

Though good governance requires public officials to be honest, its implementation is fraught with difficulties, including the following:

Transparency and accountability are lacking.

The general breakdown of ethics in society

Unrealistic code of ethics

Ineffective legislation and institutional arrangements

An unholy alliance of politicians, bureaucrats, and businesses

As a result of globalisation, materialism has grown.

Case dispositions and justice delivery are slow and untimely.

The disadvantages of a coalition government


Probity is an important element of governance since it allows the government to behave ethically and strictly according to the rules. It also ensures an efficient and effective government system and promotes socioeconomic development. As a result, for the building of a new India, probity and its values must be followed.


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