Elucidate the lessons that India learned from the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, which can be applied on the future such occurrences. (150 words)

Introduction: India has a high incidence of various diseases such as TB, Leprosy, Malaria etc. Further various epidemics such as Monkey-pox, various strains of Influenza keep occurring at regular intervals. In this context the lessons learned from the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic can be of great help.

Lessons learned  from the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • Importance of basic etiquettes: The wearing of masks, not spitting in public, and covering by sneezing have become the norms of the day.
  • Emergency response: National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has experience in tracking different epidemics and issuing guidelines. Further, specialized body such as Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG) to track mutations in coronavirus can be created swiftly for any pandemic.
  • Disproportionate affect on the poor: Due to overcrowding and malnutrition, it disproportionately affects the poor and the marginalised.
  • Investment in Drug production: Increased expenditure in R&D has produced wonderful results in development of Vaccines. 
  • Extra care for patients with Co-morbidity: Complications increase with a pre-existing illness like diabetes or co-infection with HIV.
  • A Social stigma: COVID-19 has shown that a disease can lead to social stigma, especially against the vulnerable sections, depriving them from the economic exchanges and exaggerating their vulnerability. Every epidemic is a social disease too and thus awareness campaigns are necessary. 
  • Under-reporting:  The stigma and myths associated with this disease lead to under reporting and under-diagnosis.
  • Timely Advisory for travellers: This helps in arresting the prevalence of a disease from one region to another.

Conclusion: These lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic has made India ready to face any future pandemic that might put India at risk. India’s response despite the population size and the economic backwardness has been remarkable, giving confidence to handle any such future situation.


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