What Do You Mean By Attitude ? Discuss About The Types of Attitude in Organizational Behaviour.


  1. Introduction – define attitude.
  2. Discuss about the main types of attitude in organizational behavior.
  3. Conclusion.

Attitudes involve a complex organization of beliefs, feelings and dispositions to judge certain actions or events. Attitude is the willingness to respond to certain organizations, individuals, or objects, that has been internalized and has become a specific way of responding to stimulus. Attitude reflects a person’s general inclinations & feelingsprejudices, assumptions, thoughts, fears, threats, towards any attitude object.

Types of Attitude in Organizational behavior : broadly, there are 3 types of attitudes shown in an organization – (a) job satisfaction, (b) job involvement, and (c) organizational commitment.

  • Job Satisfaction: it is the person’s level of satisfaction with his/her job. A person with a high level of satisfaction has a positive attitude towards work, while the contrary leads to negative attitude. A person with negative attitude shows tendency of anxiety, stress, irritability, while satisfied person will feel contented and more motivated to work. Positive attitude people, thus, feel happier. So, job satisfaction is directly linked to job productivity. Job satisfaction gives a higher sense of self-esteem.
  • Job involvement: it is the degree to which a person identifies with their job, actively participates and believes that their perceived performance is important to self-esteem. More job involvement has a positive attitude that makes the person psychologically identify their work and is accounted for it. Job involvement ensures more commitment than absenteeism.
  • Organizational commitment: this approach to work reflects the values of the organization. It is defined as a mutualistic state, where an employee identifies the values & goals of the organization, strives to attain them, and in turn the organization desires to retain their membership. Studies have shown that an individual’s level of organizational commitment is a better indicator of income as well as turnover for the organization.
  • Other forms : other attitudes constitute interpersonal behaviour and communicationgroup cohesionmotivation, etc.

Thus, organizational behavior is an important component of organizational management, which also helps the employees enhance their work skills. It provides guidance & direction for efficient running of any organization with optimal productivity.


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