1)NITI Aayog releases “Best Practices in Social Sector: A Compendium, 2023” in collaboration with UNDP

NITI Aayog today released the “Best Practices in Social Sector: A Compendium, 2023” in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme. To commemorate 75 years of India’s independence and highlight and laud the efforts of Union Ministries and State Governments, this compendium includes 75 case studies cutting across 14 key social sectors.

The case studies have been sourced from all States and Union Territories and 30 Ministries and Departments of the Government of India. The aim of this exercise has been to synthesise lessons for the future to expand, enhance and improve life at the grassroots level. 

Chief Executive Officer of NITI Aayog BVR Subrahmanyam said that the utility of the compendium lies in the potential of its case studies being replicated across States and Union Territories. In his remark on the compendium, Resident Representative of UNDP India, Shoko Noda said that this document is not only significant for peer learning among states, but also an important source for other countries to learn from India’s successes. NITI Aayog said that the seventy-five best practices highlight models which are innovative, sustainable, replicable and impactful.

2)India achieves highest ever GST revenue collection in April 2023

The gross Goods and Services Tax, GST revenue collected in April this year is the highest ever at over 1,87,000 crore rupees.

Out of the total revenue, Central Goods and Services Tax, CGST is 38,440 crore rupees, State Goods and Services tax, SGST is 47,412 crore rupees, Integrated Goods and Services Tax, IGST is 89,158 crore rupees and cess is over 12,000 crore rupees.


Odisha’s Survey on Social and Educational Conditions of Backward Classes

Odisha State Commission for Backward Classes (OSCBC) has initiated a survey on the social and educational conditions of backward classes, which began on May 1 and will continue until May 27. This survey is the first of its kind for the state and will collect data from people belonging to backward classes on various indicators such as educational status, occupation, and marital status, among others.

Reservation Status

Odisha currently has 208 communities designated as backward classes, with 11.25% reservation in government jobs. However, there is no reservation for the SEBCs in the education sector.


1)StarBerrySense Payload

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) launched a low-cost star sensor called StarBerrySense on board its Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) C-55 rocket on April 22, 2023. Developed by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), StarBerrySense’s primary objective is to image the field of view, identify stars, and calculate the spacecraft’s pointing direction.


The use of a star sensor in space missions provides the most accurate information about a spacecraft’s orientation. This is because the sensor can identify stars in the background, which provides a fixed reference point for the spacecraft’s position. It allows for precise control of the spacecraft’s movements and reduces the risk of errors and malfunctions.

2)Extraction of Oxygen from Lunar Soil

  • NASA scientists have successfully extracted oxygen from simulated lunar soil in a vacuum environment. This technology could help establish a long-term human presence on the Moon and enable future colonization.
  • The ability to extract oxygen from lunar soil is crucial for providing breathable air and as propellant for transportation and further space exploration.
  • NASA senior scientist, Aaron Paz, said this technology could produce several times its own weight in oxygen per year on the lunar surface, allowing for a sustained human presence and lunar economy.
  • The extraction process was tested using a carbothermal reactor to heat the lunar soil simulant and then used a high-powered laser to simulate heat from a solar energy concentrator to melt the lunar soil and extract the oxygen.
  • The success of this extraction process is a significant step towards building sustainable human bases on other planets.


World Press Freedom Index 2023: India ranks 161 out of 180 countries
According to the latest report from global media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF), India has slipped to the 161st position out of 180 countries in the 2023 World Press Freedom Index. The report was released by RSF, and it indicates a decline in India’s ranking for press freedom.

The World Press Freedom Index is based on five different factors that are used to calculate scores and rank countries. These five sub-indicators include the Political indicator, Economic indicator, Legislative indicator, Social indicator, and Security indicator. Scores are calculated for each of these indicators and used to determine the overall ranking of countries in terms of press freedom.


World Asthma Day
World Asthma Day is a yearly event that takes place on the first Tuesday of May. Its aim is to increase awareness and encourage better management and care of asthma on a global scale. The day is coordinated by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) in partnership with healthcare providers, patient groups, and public health agencies. In 2023, World Asthma Day observed on May 2.

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