A book titled “Kathakali Dance Theatre: A Visual Narrative of Sacred Indian Mime” by KK Gopalakrishnan.

Kathakali Dance Theatre: A Visual Narrative of Sacred Indian Mime
KK Gopalakrishnan has recently released a captivating book titled “Kathakali Dance Theatre: A Visual Narrative of Sacred Indian Mime.” The book offers a behind-the-scenes look into the world of Kathakali, focusing on the green room, artists’ struggles, and the unique bonds forged during long make-up hours.

The essence of the book:
Kathakali Dance-Theatre, written by one of the highly regarded writers of our times on Kerala arts traditions, records the art of Kathakali comprehensively, right from the scenario that paved the way for Kathakali’s origin and development to its present history. The book chronicles its various facets—the acting, music and costumes, crucial contributions of the masters, momentous incidences, evolution of styles, riveting anecdotes and related socio-political issues affecting Kerala. The first-hand personal rendition of the author’s experience and the detailed glossary make it immensely readable. Full of photographs depicting the masters of the art, green room activities and the vibrant theatre of Kathakali, this book will be a treasure trove of information for uninitiated readers, arts scholars, theatre buffs, potential researchers and students keen about the art and its future.

Russian Language Day 2023: Know the history of UN Language Days.

Russian Language Day 2023
Every year on June 6, the United Nations celebrates UN Russian Language Day, which was established by UNESCO in 2010. This day aligns with the birthday of Alexander Pushkin, a renowned Russian poet known as the founder of modern Russian language. The purpose of this initiative is to promote equal recognition and appreciation for all six official languages of the UN: English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and French.

Why United Nations celebrates Russian Language day?
The initiative of the UN Language Days was launched in February 2010 in order to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity and to promote equal use of all six of the UN’s official working languages throughout the organization. Russian is one of the six official languages of the UN, along with Arabic, Chinese, English, French, and Spanish.

The decision to hold language days was made by the Department of Public Information (now the Department of Global Communications) on the eve of International Mother Language Day , celebrated annually on February 21 at the initiative of UNESCO. The purpose of the UN Language Days is to raise awareness of the history, culture and development of each of the six official languages ​​of the UN among the staff of the Organization. Each language is given the opportunity to find its own unique approach and develop its own program of activities for the day, including inviting famous poets and writers and developing informational and thematic materials.


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