India To Give Land for I2U2­ Backed Food Parks
GS Paper 2,3; IR, Growth and Development.


India would supply “suitable land” for the construction of “food parks” around the country in conjunction with Israel, the United States, and the United Arab Emirates.

The “integrated food parks” idea was unveiled in a joint statement after the leaders of the I2U2 grouping — India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States — met on Thursday.

The leaders stated that private funding will be brought in for particular initiatives in the domains of water, energy, transportation, health, space, and food security.

What is I2U2?

  • According to the MEA, the I2U2 grouping was conceived during a meeting of the four countries’ foreign ministers on October 18, last year, since India’s bilateral strategic connections with each of the three countries have grown in recent years.
  • I2U2 was established in October 2021, following the Abraham Accords between Israel and the UAE, to address marine security, infrastructural, and transportation challenges in the region.
  • It was known as the ‘International Forum for Economic Cooperation’ at the time.
  • This was known as the ‘West Asian Quad.’
  • The four-nation alliance is known as ‘I2U2,’ with “I” standing for India and Israel and “U” representing for the United States and the United Arab Emirates.

Concentration Area:

The goal of I2U2 is to stimulate collaborative investments in six mutually agreed sectors:

  • Water,
  • Energy,
  • Transportation,
  • Space,
  • Health, and
  • Food security.

It aspires to mobilise private sector funding and expertise to assist in infrastructure modernization, low-carbon growth paths for our sectors, public health improvement, and the development of vital emerging and green technologies.

The I2U2’s Objectives Are as Follows:

  • I2U2 seeks to re-energize and revitalise American ties worldwide.
  • The grouping’s goal is to enhance connections and debate food security, marine cooperation, and other areas of collaboration among these four countries.
  • One of the goals is to strengthen commercial and economic connections between Israel and the UAE, as well as to collaborate on biotechnology.
  • India, Israel, and the UAE are technical powerhouses, and there are other areas where these nations may collaborate, including technology, commerce, climate, COVID-19, and security.
  • Within the scope of the new grouping, I2U2 attempts to investigate security cooperation among the four states.

Quadrilateral Security Dialogue QSD:

  • The Quad is a strategic discussion between the United States, India, Japan, and Australia.
  • The discussion began in 2007 in reaction to escalating Chinese assertiveness in the South China Sea, and it was accompanied by the Malabar Exercise, one of the largest combined military exercises of the modern period.

What is the Importance of I2U2 for India?

Security Collaboration:

This will aid the countries in their exploration of security cooperation among the four states within the framework of these new groups.

Technological Centres:

  • Each of these nations is a technical powerhouse.
  • Biotechnology, of course, is important in all of these countries.

Food Safety:
This campaign provides a chance to talk about food security.

Collaborate in Diverse Fields:

These nations may collaborate on a variety of levels, including technology, trade, climate, combating Covid-19, and even security.

Advantage of the Abraham Accords:

  • India will use the Abraham Accords to enhance its engagement with Israel while maintaining ties with the UAE and other Arab governments.
  • It reflects the return of American leadership in uniting nations to meet common threats and concerns.

Market for Benefits:

India has a big consumer market. It is also a large producer of high-tech and highly sought-after items. This alliance will help India.

It will aid India in the formation of coalitions, both political and social.


  • The Abraham agreements represent a crucial step in repairing Arab-Israeli relations. However, several nations are still hesitant to establish bilateral relations with Israel. One of the primary reasons for the hesitancy is the Israel-Palestine conflict.
  • The grouping’s seamless behaviour also poses a threat to the Arab states’ internal difficulties. The Shia-Sunni confrontation between Iran and Saudi Arabia has spread to neighbouring Gulf nations. These disagreements can lead to power struggles and the formation of sects.
  • The Chinese footprint in West Asia is growing, which is something India and the US would seek to resist.

The Strategic Relevance of India at I2U2:

  • The US administration has provided a full-throated justification for strengthening ties with India, particularly through multilateral platforms such as the newly launched I2U2 that the two countries form with Israel and the UAE, as well as the Quad with Japan and Australia, which refers to India as one of the “most strategically consequential countries in the Indo-Pacific.”
  • Previously, the US established the Asian Pacific Quad with the US, Australia, India, and Japan, which many consider as a platform to challenge Chinese dominance in the Indo-Pacific area.
  • The Biden administration highlighted India’s “longstanding” relations in West Asia and with Israel as reasons for enlisting India in the I2U2.
  • The I2U2 might become “a characteristic of the larger area, much as the Quad has become a fundamental pillar of the United States’ Indo-Pacific strateg.
  • Under the I2U2 framework, we promised to increase collaborative investment in six critical areas: water, energy, transportation, space, health, and food security.

Highlights of the Summit:

  • The investments will assist maximise agricultural yields, therefore addressing food insecurity in South Asia and the Middle East. India would “ease farmers’ incorporation into food parks.”
  • Among the agreements announced by the four countries following the session are food parks aimed at reducing “food waste and spoilage.” According to the joint declaration, the UAE would spend $2 billion in India to build the food parks.
  • During their discussion, the group focused on the food security dilemma and renewable energy, and they explored innovative approaches to secure longer-term, more diverse food production and food distribution networks that can better manage global food shocks.
  • In terms of food security, the I2U2 leaders stated that the UAE, which is home to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and will host COP28 in 2023, will invest $2 billion USD to develop a series of integrated food parks across India that will incorporate climate-smart technologies to reduce food waste and spoilage, conserve fresh water, and use renewable energy sources.
  • “The private sectors of the United States and Israel will be asked to contribute their knowledge and new ideas to the project’s overall sustainability.” These investments will assist enhance agricultural yields, therefore addressing food insecurity in South Asia and the Middle East.
  • According to the joint statement, the I2U2 company will also pursue a hybrid renewable energy project in Gujarat with 300 MW of wind and solar power, supplemented by a battery energy storage technology.
  • A feasibility study for the $330 million USD project was financed by the US Trade and Development Agency.
  • Indian industries are eager to join in this project and help India reach its objective of 500 GW of non-fossil fuel capacity by 2030. Such initiatives have the potential to transform India into a worldwide centre for alternative supply chains in the renewable energy industry, according to the joint statement.
  • The leaders of I2U2 underlined their intention to use well-established markets to create more innovative, inclusive, and science-based solutions to improve food security and sustainable food systems.

Way Forward:

Seizing of the Situation:

  • The I2U2 is a win-win situation for all parties involved. In terms of collaboration with West Asia, India must take a more active role.
  • India must tread carefully in this landmine-infested region since it protects India’s essential interests: energy security, food security, workers, trade, investment, and marine security.

Reassuring Other West Asian Partners:

  • Iran and Egypt, in particular, need to be persuaded that this new agreement is not directed at them.
  • Iran is significant for India in the current setting of Afghanistan. India must address the difficulties in this area both politically and strategically.
  • Egypt has favourable connections with all four nations in this alliance, but it has to be guaranteed that it will not suffer economic or political consequences.

Mutual Cooperation Among Four Countries:
Through mutual collaboration among the four nations, hostile countries may be diplomatically and strategically balanced in order to maintain cordial ties.


  • The I2U2 is an excellent chance to strengthen cooperation in many areas.
  • Cooperation among the four nations is essential. The United States is an export hub, whereas the United Arab Emirates is expanding in the energy industry.
  • In terms of defence research and technology, Israel is well ahead of India, which has one of the world’s fastest developing economies.
  • India would offer land for such a project. As of now, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat have expressed interest in participating in the project, with more states anticipated to follow suit.


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