1.Chhattisgarh Congress leaders face ED searches

  • Page 1
  • GS 3: Internal Security- Money laundering and its prevention

2. Slow progress to creating a safe workplace for women

  • Page 6 (Editorial)
  • GS 2: Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and the States and the performance of these schemes.

3. Reform reluctance

  • Page 6 (Editorial)
  • GS 3: Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilisation of resources, growth, development and employment.

4. The problems with the Data Protection Bill

  • Page 7 (OpEd)
  • GS 3: Internal Security- Basics of cyber security

5. The microbiome link to autism disorders

  • Page 8
  • Prelims syllabus: General Science

6. Can we use moon dust to slow down global warming?

  • Page 8
  • Prelims syllabus: General issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change

7. More sabre-rattling, more isolation: militarisation of the South China Sea

  • Page 9
  • GS 2: International Relations- India and its neighbourhood

8. Centre may notify emissions trading scheme by June

  • Page 12
  • Prelims syllabus: General issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change

9. Play-based learning material for 3-8 age group launched

  • Page 12
  • GS 2: Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources

10. Only Parliament can amend the law to provide a uniform marriage age, says top court

  • Page 12
  • GS 1: Social/women empowerment


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